007 第一回:小王子 文法1:has been translated 文法2:He lives on an asteroid named B-612, which is as big as a house
016 第二回:看誰在說謊 文法1:has been grooming 文法2:No matter what
025 第三回:動物農莊 文法1:Old Major delivers a speech in which he urges animals to revolt against their farmers 文法2:They never see him again
033 第四回:善惡魔法學院 文法1:are about to 文法2:fit for
042 第五回:動物農莊Fairy Tale 文法1:Charlie Reade looks like a regular high school kid 文法2:As if
052 第六回:動物農莊不速之客 文法1:It has been over two years since Effie’s beloved parents got divorced 文法2:Her only chance to retrieve it is to break into Greenoaks while everyone is busy celebrating.
061 第七回:動物農莊沼澤女孩 文法1:I can`t even express how much I love this book! 文法2:tell v.s. speak v.s. say 的差別