本書從學術史及文獻分析這兩大角度探討易學在日本、朝鮮、越南及琉球的傳播與影響。除了嘗試勾劃這些中國近鄰的易學發展史外,它還針對日本、朝鮮及越南的重要易學著作作專題性的文獻分析,並提出「易學文化圈」的構想。這是首本研究東亞易學的專書,其開拓性的研究對了解易學、域外儒學史及東亞文化交流史都有極大幫助。 This is the first monograph on Eastern Asia I Ching scholarship and its pioneering research is seminal in understanding I Ching scholarship, history of Confucianism outside China, and history of Eastern Asia cultural exchanges. This book explores the transmission and influence of I Ching scholarship in Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Ryukyu from the perspective of the history of the scholarship and its literature analysis. It also proposes the concept of ‘I Ching Cultural Circle’.
The I Ching in Tokugawa Thought and Culture