The Rise and Fall of the Wonder Girls  
作者:Sarah May  
出版日期:2011 / 04 / 29  
ISBN : 9780007346356  
原價:NT 331 元  
售價:NT 265 元 特價:NT 166元  


Four teenage girls - Grace, Vicky, Ruth and Saskia - all at the same school; all with the same secret. October. Burwood. The corridors of Burwood Girls School are once more full of oestrogen; Platform number one at Burwood Station is packed with commuters waiting for delayed trains to London; the gym at Oasis Leisure centre is full of fading tans while leaves fall and pile up on lawns ripe for raking. Just like any other October. Until life gets turned inside out in this affluent South-eastern town when not one but four teenage girls fall pregnant. As the media descends on Burwood with unprecedented ferocity, headlines such as: WHO ARE THE BABIES' FATHERS? DO ALL FOUR BABIES SHARE THE SAME FATHER? GIRLS REVEAL PREGNANCIES WEREN'T ACCIDENTAL… ARE THE BURWOOD GIRLS PART OF A TEENAGE PREGNANCY CULT? …at first seem to corrupt this small, leafy, affluent community until we realise that the corruption was there all along, bubbling just beneath the surface. Before things get better, they're going to get much, much worse. But then, at the end of the day, the last thing anyone in Burwood wants is life to return to normal.

四名來自同一個學校的年輕少女格雷斯、維姬、露絲與薩斯基亞守著一個相同的秘密。十月的伯伍德,伯伍德女子學校的走廊上又一次充肆著雌激素。伯伍德車站一號月臺擠滿了等候開往倫敦晚點的火車的通勤者。綠洲休閒中心的體育館中擠滿了前來陽光浴的人們,凋零的樹葉堆積在草坪上,等待清理。 又是一個十月。 在這座富饒的東南方小鎮上,四名而不是一名少女同時懷孕。 前往伯伍德採訪的媒體對此事進行了無情的披露,從標題上便可察覺一二: 誰是孩子的父親? 孩子的父親是同一個人嗎? 少女樂隊的成員透露懷孕並非意外。


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