Forever Odd  
作者:Dean Koontz  
出版日期:2011 / 04 / 29  
ISBN : 9780007318230  
原價:NT 330 元  
售價:NT 265 元 特價:NT 165元  


The follow-up novel to Odd Thomas, from worldwide bestselling author, Dean Koontz. Odd Thomas, that unlikely hero, once more stands between us and our worst fears. Odd never asked to communicate with the dead -- they sought him out. As the unofficial goodwill ambassador between our world and theirs, he has a duty to do the right thing. That's the way Odd sees it, and that's why he has already won over hearts on both sides of the great divide. For though Odd lives in the small desert town of Pico Mundo, he stands between two worlds, and for him the heroic and the harrowing are everyday occurrences. A childhood friend of Odd's has disappeared and the worst is feared. But as Odd applies his unique talents to the task of finding the missing person, he discovers something worse than a dead body. New allies and new enemies gather around Odd, some living and some not. But the enemy he encounters is unspeakably cunning, and every sacrifice is needed to tip the balance between despair and hope as a life-changing revelation rushes towards us. In the battle to come, there can be no innocent bystanders !

奧德·湯瑪斯又出現在我們與自己最大的恐懼之間。 他從不與亡靈交流,是亡靈主動找到他。 作為生死界之間非官方大使,奧德有責任維護正義。 這就是他的觀點,也是他總能獲得雙方支持的原因。 奧德定居在一個被遺棄的名叫皮庫·曼多的小鎮上。由於能通陰陽兩界,對他而言,英雄主義與悲傷是再平常不過的事情了。 他的一個兒時的夥伴消失了,人們都做了最壞的打算。 然而,當奧德利用自己特殊的才能希望能夠找到失蹤的夥伴時,他發現的不僅僅是一具屍體,還有更為可怕的事情.......。


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