作者:Dean Koontz  
出版日期:2011 / 04 / 29  
ISBN : 9780007290758  
原價:NT 330 元  
售價:NT 265 元 特價:NT 165元  


The stunning new thriller from the bestselling author of Velocity and Relentless In the Colorado mountains something miraculous comes into the life of Grady Adams, a strong, gentle man whose past experiences have alienated him from the modern world and driven him to live in the wilds. When he sees it, he knows that one of Nature's great mysteries has been revealed to him. He takes his friend Cammy Rivers to bear witness to the phenomenal presence. As a scientist, she is stunned and awed. She emails photos to colleagues in far places to try and find a name for the wonderful beings. Before they know what is happening, Homeland Security has quarantined the wilderness around them and sent in assorted scientists to track down and 'neutralize' the threat to the known world. Grady and Cammy aren't sticking around to be mere witnesses to this atrocity -- determined to prevent it, they go on the run, and a pursuit of hair-raising suspense is under way, with no happy ending in prospect! Breathless is a unique and riveting thriller from the master of suspense.

格雷迪·亞當斯因某些神秘的事件闖入無法面對過去而不得不遠離喧囂的城市,選擇棲身在科羅拉多山脈野外的生活。當他看著「它」時,他就知道這是自然界最偉大的奇觀之一。 於是他就邀請自己的朋友賈弭·瑞格來見證。 身為科學家的她也為之震驚。 賈弭將照片通過電子郵件發給遠方的同事,讓他們為這一神奇的物種命名。 不久,國土安全部門隔離了這片區域,並派遣各類科學家追蹤並消除它對已知世界的威脅。 為了制止他們野蠻的行為,格雷迪與賈弭決定逃亡,尋找真相,但是前途險象環生。《屏住呼吸》是一部出自懸念大師之手令人無法割捨的小說。



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