The Invisible Gorilla: And Other Ways Our Intuition Deceives Us  
作者:Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons  
出版日期:2011 / 04 / 29  
ISBN : 9780007352180  
原價:NT 804 元  
售價:NT 643 元 特價:NT 402元  


In an award-winning and groundbreaking study, psychologists Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons asked volunteers to watch a 60-second film of a group of students playing basketball and told them to count the number of passes made. About halfway through, a woman dressed head to toe in a gorilla outfit slowly moved to centre screen, beat her chest at the camera, and casually strolled away. Unbelievably, almost half of the volunteers missed the gorilla. As this astonishing and utterly unique new book demonstrates, exactly the same kind of mental illusion that causes people to miss the gorilla can also explain why many other things, including why: • honest eyewitness testimony can convict innocent defendants • expert money managers suddenly lose billions • Homer Simpson has much to teach you about clear thinking Insightful, witty, and fascinating, The Invisible Gorilla closely examines the false impressions that most profoundly influence our lives and gives practical advice on how we can minimize their negative impact.

在一個具有突破性的獲獎的研究中,心理學家克里斯多夫·查伯裡斯與丹尼爾·西蒙要求志願者觀看一段 60 秒的影片,影片中有一群學生在打籃球。志願者需要計算在這段時間內發生了多少次傳球。在影片放到一半時,一個穿著大猩猩外套的女士慢慢走向螢幕的中心,將胸口貼在攝像機上然後隨意走開。令人難以置信的是,幾乎半數的自願者都沒有看到大猩猩。

這本書揭示了導致人們對大猩猩視而不見的幻覺可以用來解釋很多事情,其中包括:誠實的證人可使無辜的被告被定罪 ·資深金融管理者突然損失幾十億 ·



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