Anxiety Toolbox: The Complete Fear-Free Plan  
作者:Gloria Thomas  
出版日期:2011 / 04 / 29  
ISBN : 9780007372270  
原價:NT 615元  
售價:NT 492元 特價:NT 308元  


• 70-80 per cent of the population suffer from an anxiety-related condition in the form of fear, phobia or panic attack. These can have a devastating effect on people’s lives, holding them back and making them feel isolated and depressed. • Using her unique combination of skills as a master NLP practitioner, Thought Field Therapist, Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master, former sufferer Gloria Thomas gives readers the tools they need to take control of their fears in even the most knee-trembling situations and banish them forever. • Covers specific trigger situations, such as crowds, air travel, conference speaking, visiting the dentist, agoraphobia, being on your own, the dark, etc, as well as first aid ‘what to do during an anxiety or panic attack’. • Gloria’s techniques include thought field therapy, cognitive/behavioural techniques, visualization, affirmation, self-hypnosis scripts, breathing, anchoring, Reiki methods, etc. • Free 60-minute CD as part of Gloria’s toolbox to guide readers through the visualizations and self-hypnosis exercises. • Morale-boosting real-life stories

70-80%的人患有與焦慮相關的疾病,譬如害怕、恐怖症或驚恐發作。這些疾病對人的生活產生致命的影響,使得患者做事優柔寡斷,並時常伴有憂鬱與被隔離感。 NLP高級執行師、思維場醫師、催眠師與靈氣大師格洛裡·湯瑪斯也曾患過此病,他以現身說法向讀者展示如何在極端環境中控制恐懼並最終將其消除。本書涵蓋了諸如擁堵、乘坐飛機、在會議上講話、看牙醫、陌生環境、獨立一人與黑暗等易導致焦慮發生的特定環境以及針對焦慮或驚恐發作的急救法。作者介紹的方法包括思維場、感知/行為技術、視覺化、肯定、自我催眠........。


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